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An approved Lifespan Integration Consultant since 2014, Susan offers consultation to clinicians seeking Lifespan Integration certification or interested in improving their understanding and application of LI.  She is also available for consultation via Skype.


Lifespan Integration is a gentle body based therapeutic method developed by Peggy Pace, a Seattle based psychotherapist, in 2003.  Since 2004, Pace has been training therapists throughout the US and Western Europe.  At the present time (2016), more than 2000 therapists worldwide have been trained in Lifespan Integration. LI facilitates rapid healing in people of all ages and is effective in a wide variety of therapeutic issues.


Lifespan Integration relies on the innate ability of the body-mind to heal itself. LI is body-based, and combines active imagination and a visual time line of memories.

It appears that this timeline changes the way clients hold and understand emotional material. By leading them through time line protocols, clients change their views of themselves, their relationships, and their strategies for problem-solving.

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